Academic Enrichment (K-12) Scholarships
The Academic Enrichment (K-12)Scholarship Application can be submitted at any time. There is no deadline for the application submission.
The Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation (LNWEF) offers individual scholarship funding for a wide variety of student enrichment activities throughout the year. Enrichment scholarships are available only for residents of properties owned by Leon N. Weiner & Associates, Inc. and/or managed by Arbor Management, LLC.
Types of Enrichment Opportunities Available:
School sanctioned activities like band, choir, sports, clubs, and the arts
School sanctioned trips like field trips and competitions
Museum trips, summer camps, and day camps
Tutoring and academic enrichment
Career-related internship costs
College-sponsored programming for youth
Band instruments (after trial period)
Sports gear
School uniforms (for specific activities)
Other educational enrichment activities, services or items
Resident in good standing of a property, owned in whole or in part, by Leon N. Weiner and Associates or managed by Arbor Management, LLC
In grades K-12.
For a resident to be eligible to apply for and receive LNWEF scholarship funds, either for him/herself or for any other person residing in his/her apartment, such resident must be in “good standing”. Good standing is defined as (1) current on all rents and fees due on his/her apartment, (2) no outstanding litigation or arbitration actions between the tenant and his/her landlord, and (3) no additional concerns presented by the apartment manager.
The application must be completed in full and returned by e-mail to or by US Postal Service to LNWEF, PO box 646, Middletown, Delaware 19709.
Scholarships are paid directly to the activity or program and are never payable to the scholarship recipient.
Not all applications will be funded. The Scholarship Committee's decision is final.
For questions or more information, please contact program coordinator, Linda Perkins, at