Job-Related Training Scholarship applications may be submitted at any time. There is no deadline for this submission.
LNWEF offers scholarships to residents who are working and could receive a promotion or advancement opportunity at work if they had additional training or credentials. Examples include accounting, medical, education, human resources… The scholarship is to be used tuition for courses that can advance careers not to pursue a hobby or other non-vocational subjects.
U.S. citizen or legal resident of the U.S.
Resident in good standing of a property owned in whole or in part by Leon N. Weiner & Associates or managed by Arbor Management, LLC.
Able to enroll in and complete a training program that will enhance current job opportunities
For a resident in good standing to be eligible to apply for and receive LNWEF scholarship funds, either for him/herself or for any other person residing in his/her apartment, such resident must be in “good standing.” Good standing is defined as (1) current on all rents and fees due on his/her apartment; (2) no outstanding litigation or arbitration actions between the tenant and his/her landlord; and (3) no additional concerns presented by apartment management.
LNWEF will award scholarships up to 80% of the tuition cost.
Funds will be disbursed directly to the educational institution.
Applicants will be notified regarding award within two weeks of application submission.
Scholarships will be awarded based on:
Financial Need
Work Experience
Career/Educational Goals
Meaningfulness of the application essay
(Note: LNWEF puts great emphasis on your essay so make sure it tells your story)
All applicants must complete and submit the on-line application
All applicants must submit an essay of approximately 100 words describing their career aspirations and goals.