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How to Balance Raising a Family While Going to School

Taking the steps necessary to go to college while raising a family can be daunting, but it’s also worth the end result. While you may be apprehensive about the balancing act, know that with the support you need, and commitment, you can soon earn that degree and earn the respect of your family. 

The Reality of Balancing Family and College

It takes planning to balance family and college. And, many of the steps you take may include asking those you love for help and support. If you have young children, it’s important to first investigate your childcare options. Many college campuses have on-campus childcare and may also offer scholarships to cover the cost. Meet with the Student Service office right away to ensure your children are well taken care of while you attend classes and find peace of mind so you can focus on your education. 

It's also essential to communicate with your professors. Letting your teachers know that you are trying to balance family and college can open doors. For instance, when emergencies happen or you need some lenience when a child is sick, your professors will likely be more understanding and help you create a make-up schedule if necessary. 

Using your time wisely will simplify the process of balancing a family with college. If you are traveling on public transportation, use this time to review your notes. You can also plan ahead for meals to help lower your stress level when returning from class. Taking a few hours to meal prep or even use slow cookers for meals will help you feel more like you have balanced accomplishing what you need to do for your education and your family. 

How to Create a Successful Balance 

While there is no one right way to successfully balance family and college, know your options to help ease the process.

  • Create A Schedule: The most challenging aspect of attending school is managing your time, and the same applies to raising a family. It’s more important now to create schedules. This schedule should include study time, travel time, and also eliminating distractions before they can occur. While you may not have as much free time, you will feel better knowing you can anticipate what each day holds. 

  • Find the Support You Need: It can be difficult to ask for support, but you need it now more than ever. This requires you to make a list of daily chores and delegate to children, extended family, or partners who can help. With those supporting you in your educational endeavors, you might be surprised how many people in your village show up to support you. 

  • Practice Self Care: It takes a lot of time to perform well in your classes, but if you’re not treating yourself right, you’ll find that you have less energy to complete what you need to do at home and at college. Make sure you are getting the sleep you need by setting and keeping to a schedule, eating well, and adding in some exercise each day to keep your energy levels up. Even a 15-20 minute walk each day is helpful.

  • Focus on the End Goal: When you feel overwhelmed while raising a family and attending school, know that the end goal is worth the effort. Always keep your eye on the prize and check off each step you achieve along the way. 

Success is Within Reach

The best path to success is to believe in yourself and know your limitations. Know that while it may be challenging to juggle family and school, you have a larger pack of supporters to help you meet your goals. The Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is here to provide you that support and encourage you through your educational journey. 

The Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation provides educational assistance to children and adults who are members of families with low to moderate incomes. Learn more about the scholarship opportunities available at www.weinereducationfoundation.com